For a limited-time this summer, Air Partner is offering a 5-hour jet card for fliers looking to "get their feet wet". Cards like these are a good way to explore whether a jet card is the right solution for your travel needs.

AirPartner JetCardStarting at $23,500, the 5-hour jet card is available for purchase through July 31, 2015, and offers all the usual features of an Air Partner membership including:

  • Choice of four cabin categories and two membership types – JetCard (the latest aircraft models) and JetCard Sterling (broader range of aircraft)
  • All-inclusive pricing and guaranteed availability at 12 hours' notice
  • Fully-refundable account balances and flight hours that never expire
  • Round-trip discounts of up to 25%
  • No peak-day restrictions
  • Four global services areas

"We appreciate that today's jet traveler is faced with an abundance of choices, and determining which program best suits your specific needs can be a daunting task," said Philip Mathews, President of Air Partner North America. "Our services are designed to offer complete flexibility, and the 5-hour JetCard is a convenient solution for anyone interested in trialing our membership program."

Air Partner has been in business since 1961, and offers both JetCard and on-demand jet charter. Its network of offices spans North America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia, and they offer 24/7 flight support through their in-house operations center. Air Partner also told us they are currently offering a free flight hour when you purchase a 15 hour jet card by August 31, 2015.