Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Which is the Best Jet Card?  

Jet Cards

Discerning business and private travelers appreciate the privacy, convenience and time saving, that jet cards and private aviation enable.

But, there's an array of products and providers to choose from. The SherpaReport Guide to Private Aviation will help you identify the right products for your travel needs.

  1. Use the Selection Tool to get some initial ideas about suitable products.
  2. Then download the comprehensive Guide to Private Aviation, which includes details on multiple providers.

By reading the Guide you'll learn about:

  • The characteristics of each of the private aviation products
  • What to consider when reviewing the products
  • Comparisons of the leading providers
  • Comparisons of costs
  • Key questions to ask the providers prior to purchase

Card Types

Jet Cards are prepaid hours of occupied flight time. The great benefit is that they lock in a fixed hourly rate for a given type of aircraft. There are two broad types:

1. Specific hours on a given aircraft or size of aircraft. These are normally sold as 25 hour options, and start at about $155,000 for light jets. Some providers may offer special cards for as few as 5 hours.

2. Specific deposit, where you deposit a sum, typically starting at $100,000, and this locks in rates on different aircraft sizes. The larger the initial deposit the lower the hourly rates you can lock in.

Jet cards are offered by fractional operators, large and small fleet operators and charter brokers.

Reasons to Use

There are many reasons to use private jets and jet cards. The reasons that we hear most often are:

  • Time Saving, You can arrive at the airport just minutes before your scheduled departure time, fly directly to your destination, make productive use of your time onboard, avoid overnight stays, avoid waiting in lines at the airport,
  • Privacy, it’s your plane to have open meetings and discussions, and stay out of the limelight
  • Flexibility, planes can be ready in a few hours, and can change schedules to suit you
  • Reduces Stress, no rushing to meet a fixed departure time, no hanging around in crowded airports
  • Image, a private plane projects a well run, efficient, successful individual or organization

Questions to Ask

Jet Cards provide a lot of flexibility, but you need to do your due diligence before signing on. Here’s some questions to ask potential providers, with a much fuller set provided in the Guide to Private Aviation.

  • What is the independent safety rating on the fleet being offered?
  • What aircraft types are included in the program?
  • Are there any repositioning fees?
  • How often do the pilots receive training?
  • What is the geographic area included in this program?
  • Are there any blackout periods?
  • What are the callout notice periods to get a plane?

The Guide

SherpaReport analysts have interviewed private aviation customers, interviewed management at providers, and spent hundreds of hours researching the various options. The result is an in-depth, independent Guide to Private Aviation, that includes details on each of the different options and the major providers.

Answer the questions in the selection tool and we'll suggest some initial providers and products, and then download the Guide.

nick copleyIf you have any questions after reading the Guide, or you just want to discuss the Guide, please feel free to contact our President & Senior Analyst, Nick Copley. His email is included in the Guide.

Free Aviation Guide And Selection Tool

Tell us a little about yourself, we'll suggest some programs
STEP 1 of 3

1. How many people do you usually travel with ?

0-1 2-5 6-10 10+

2. How far do you typically fly ?

Under 1,000m 1,000 to 2,000m Over 2,000m

3. In which locations do you fly ?

N America Europe Asia Global

4. How much do you fly each year ?

Under 50 hours 50 to 300 hours Over 300 hours

5. How many private aviation flights have you taken ?

0-1 2-5 6-10

Suggested Solutions

Based on your preferences, look at these providers
STEP 2 of 3

Get the Guide to Private Aviation

Receive no obligation information from your selected providers.
STEP 3 of 3

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Guide - Readers Comments
"I’ve got several pilot friends that I talked to, but your report really summed it all up well, it was very helpful."
John M., Naples, FL

"I’ve been looking at options. This was a good overview of fractions and cards."
Tom I., CFO in FL

"I think the Report is great. The best and most comprehensive I have seen."
Jim M., Reno, NV

"I have been chartering for the last two years and want to see if there is a better way. Your Guide was very helpful."
Dean C., Champaign, IL

SherpaReport is an independent media company. Our analysts have interviewed private aviation customers, interviewed management at providers, and spent hundreds of hours researching the various options. The result is an in-depth, independent Guide to Private Aviation, that includes details on each of the different options and the major providers.

If you have any questions after reading the Guide, or you just want to discuss the Guide, please feel free to contact our President & Senior Analyst, Nick Copley. His email is included in the Guide.