For folks who are interested in previewing the destination club experience, without committing to the full membership plans, Ultimate Resort now offers a way to try out the club.

Ultimate Home Cabo san Lucas
Ultimate Home Cabo san Lucas
This new Ultimate Discovery Membership provides either 15, 30 or 45 nights of use over a two year period, for one non-refundable upfront "discovery" fee. The prices start at $13,500 for l5 days in Ultimates standard club to $112,500 for 45 days in Ultimates Elite club $3m homes.

Jim Tousignant, the CEO and founder of Ultimate Resort, told us that the first three members who joined under the Discovery plan had already upgraded to full memberships.

Members on this plan cannot make advance reservations for homes during the popular holiday periods such as Christmas and New Year. Although they can use the homes during these popular periods, if other full members have not reserved them and they are still available at short notice.

If Discovery members decide to upgrade to a full membership plan they can use any unused part of their Discovery plan towards the cost of full membership. Discovery members can also lock in todays full membership prices, if they decide to upgrade during their Discovery period.

This is a great way to try out the homes and services that the club offers, especially if you're not ready to join on a full membership plan.

Distinctive Holiday Homes also offers a trial membership of 2 to 7 nights, booked up to 90 days in advance. The charge is just $750 per day with full membership privileges, and a $10,000 deposit is required 7 days before visiting the property. This offer is available for all their land based (the club has two yachts in the Mediterranean) properties worldwide. The deposit can be credited towards full membership or refunded.

One Key has a different model to most clubs and works more like a prepaid private jet card. Members pay for a set amount of days upfront, with prices starting at $34,900 for 15 nights at its $3,000,000 homes.